Monday, February 4, 2008

He can SMILE!!

Last weekend Maddux started smiling every once in a while and we were so excited...but the smiles wouldn't come that often so we could never catch one on camera. Well, it's been a week now and he has started smiling more and more. This morning right when he woke up he was so I grabbed the camera and got this super cute picture of him!

I tried again later to capture another one and I was sucsessful yet again! I know I probably totally seem like a typical first time Mom because I am so excited about a smile... but it is so fun to have him look right at you and give you a big grin!

Although we were thrilled about all the smiles from Maddux...we had a rough weekend. Greg ended up getting food poisoning on Thursday night from Chili's and so he spent the whole night and morning throwing up. Maddux also had a little upset tummy that night and didn't sleep for longer than 1-2 hours at a time so I was pretty much up all night too. It was crazy! Greg thankfully was able to call in sick to work on Friday and then we spent the rest of the weekend trying to catch up on sleep and get Greg feeling better.

Me, Maddux, and Boca fell asleep on the bed in the guest room. We were exhausted! I couldn't be more thankful this weekend is over!
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Lane and Katie Eyre said...

His smile is adorable! sorry about the food poisoning. That stinks!! I hope you all feel better!

Josh and Megan said...

Yea for smiling! I love the hoodie pic! He is adorable. One of these days, after this awful winter, I am going to visit to meet the little guy!

Taryn said...

Sorry you guys had a bad least you've got a cute little smiley baby though! I love that first picture of him-he's so cute!!

The Biggs said...

i love all the milestones babies make...they never get old no matter how many babies you have! and so sorry about not feeling well. it's so much harder to deal with all that when you have a little one to still attend to!

Ames Family said...

Mel he is such a darling little man! I can't wait to see him. Sounds like you had a terrible weekend. I am glad you got to catch up on some sleep! Feel better. I love you girl.

Tristen said...

I love the smiles! Soooo cute! Those books are sooo good! I finished the last one yesterday and I cannot wait for the next one to come out! Let me know what you think about them k?!