Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Ups and Downs of Being a Mom

I have always wanted to be a mom. I was so excited when I got pregnant because I was starting a stage of my life that I had always looked forward to.... but, I had no idea just how neat it was going to be. Maddux will turn two months old in two days and it really has been two of the funnest, scariest, and most rewarding months of my life! At first I couldn't believe he was ours and I felt like I had no idea what I was doing but now it seems weird to think of our family without him. He has brought so much love and joy to our home.

Some of my favorite times I spend with him are in the mornings. He is always so happy when he wakes up so you'll notice that in alot of my picures of him smiling he's wearing his p.j.'s.

Here are a couple of pictures of him in his new Sunday clothes. He looked so handsome and grown up in the little slacks and vest.

I am sad to say that I only have 4 weeks left of my 12 that I took off of work to spend with Maddux. I feel so blessed and grateful that I was able to have so much time with him but I am very emotional about the thought of leaving him. I can't even say it without crying. It's going to be very difficult for all three of us. I know we will survive... but I am dreading it!


Tristen said...

Mel! I totally can understand your feelings because I interviewed about 6 weeks after I had Nathan and I broke down crying about leaving him when we talked about it! Hang in there girl! You are a great mom and things will turn out alright for your family! Love you girl! Tris :)

Tristen said...

OH PS!! I loved the pictures of Maddux! He looked adorable in everyone of them!

Lane and Katie Eyre said...

I know how you feel! I left Addy to go back to teaching after 6 weeks and I was the same way! Working made me appreciate the time I had with Addy even more... I even enjoyed when she was crying or when I had to get up in the night with her. It will all work out! And know that you aren't the only one out there!!

The Biggs said...

i, too, had to leave Brinton to return to work when he was only 6 weeks old! i cried A LOT the first day, but only when i dropped him off after that. it's totally normal to get emotional about it...but just cherish the times you are with him. i was dead set on pumping breast milk for him because i knew i still had that bond with him whether we were together or apart. sounds silly, but it helped me.

Taryn said...

Maddux is such a little stud! :)