Tuesday, June 3, 2008

5 Months Old!

Maddux is 5 months now and has so much personality! We are both home with him for the summer and are loving spending all our time with him! He has turned into such a easy baby...he hardly ever cries and is constantly jabbering and smiling his huge smile! We feel so blessed to have such a sweet little spirit in our home. Here are a few of his favorite things these days!

He got an Excer Saucer for Christmas and we recently put it together and he loves it! It's so fun to see him figure out how all things work. His favorite is the spinner he hits it over and over to make it spin!

He also loves to eat now! I only feed him once a day and I think he gets more all over his face and bib than actually in his mouth but he's learning! He get so excited when he see me with a spoon and food. He starts kicking and reaching for it!

He also loves to just lay on the floor and talk to whoever will give him attention. He still loves to be sang to and read to. I keep expecting him to start rolling all over the place but he hasn't yet. He can roll and does every once in a while but it's not all the time.

By far though his favorite toy is his jumper. He gets so excited when he's in it and will laugh and make noise and jump really high. It entertains him longer than anything else...it seems like he would get bored of jumping but he just LOVES it! The coolest part is that it's not very big and it fits on any doorway so we take it with us alot...like on vacation and stuff...it's really handy!
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Taryn said...

Wow, 5 months already? I can't wait to squeeze this little guy!

Tristen said...

Mel, He is so darn cute I can't handle it!!! I love his sweet smiles!

PS You are tagged.

Olivia said...

He is getting so big. I'm so glad I finally go to meet him. He is so sweet its hard for me to believe that he was ever cranky. Love all the pictures and how excited he is about pretty much everything. So cute.

Ames Family said...

I love those cheeks! He looks like he is having such a blast in the jumper. I want to meet him! PS...I like your new blog makeover.