Thursday, August 21, 2008

Maddux is Crawling!

Today is Maddux's 8 month birthday and he decided that he wanted to just start crawling! We were so suprised! His favorite things right now are his Dad, Gerber puffed stars, and trying to copy noises we make. He is just the cutest baby ever! We feel so blessed to have him in our lives!


Taryn said...

Oh my goodness! He's going to be racing Boca in no time. How fun and what a cute little crawler he is!

Olivia said...

WHAT!!! I can't believe he is crawling already. Its so cute..... I love when its in slow motion at first. He is getting so big. Can you please tell him to slow down a bit. I wish I could see him moving in person. By the time Christmas rolls around he will be walking.

Ames Family said...

Holy smokes Maddux! What a guy. He is so darling, Mel. So glad that I got to meet him. When does school start?

The Giffs said...

Melanie Spelts! What the heck? Wow it has been a long, long time. What's new? Where are you guys living?

Shoot me an email sometime and give me an update.


Janene said...

Oh my gosh--I cannot believe your little boy is crawling. He is soooooooo cute! K, so your perfect house is in jeopardy now. =) Good luck with that. Maddux is so darling--I think of him every time Ty makes "big eyes." Love and miss you TONS!

Lane and Katie Eyre said...

Yay!!! How fun to be crawling... I love when they start to move a lot!