Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sisters Reunion

Every summer my sisters and my mom all get together and have a sister reunion. We always try to do something fun together and take that time to catch up on eachother's lives. I really look forawrd to it every year. This year we decided to have a photographer come and take pictures Here are some of the cute ones.

Melissa, Olivia, Janene, Deidre, Me, Joanne, Janae

Craft Day & Picture Day at the Smith's who have a awesome backyard that entertained all the kids for hours while we talked and made a really cute house decoration.

Since our kids are still little we bring them all with us...especially since this year we all have new babies. Maybe one day when our kids are older we can do sisters reuion without bringing the kids...because this many kids tends to make things a little hectic at times. We love it though!

Here are single pictures of each of the families:


Janssen said...

That is basically too cute for words. I love your family!

amber belmonte said...

You [and ALL your sisters] are so GORGEOUS! It's so cool to see the pictures of you guys and all the kids :) Time flies!

Taryn said...

I loved seeing all of these pictures. That first picture is so great of your mom and all your sisters! That's so fun to have a reunion each year as a tradition.

Tristen said...

That is such a fun idea to do that! I loved the pictures because they brought back lots of memories of always being with your mom and sisters throughout high school! Awwww...I love those memories! My second family...I miss you Mel! Oh by the way cute babies/kids girls!

Merrick said...

Wow, I can't believe how many grandkids there are! You guys are all so cute...

Danielle said...

Love the pictures! Your little guy always has the cutest smile on!