Friday, January 11, 2008

Our first date night with a baby!

After the holiday's, right before Greg had to return to work, our friends convinced us go out with them to dinner at Rusty's. I was so nervous about taking Maddux out. I was so sure he would get hungry or start crying that we almost backed out. But I am glad we didn't... it was good to see our friends and he was a perfect angle the whole time!

Here we are at dinner with Merilee and Zane Jones, Kim and Dennis Almond, and our little family of three at the end.

Maddux slept through the whole event. He was so warm and snuggly next to the fire place that he didn't even make a peep! I was relieved and thankful.

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Taryn said...

I love all these updates-I just can't wait to meet Maddux next week! He is just so cute! Keep the pictures coming, you can never post too many- are you sure that he's lucky to look so much like Greg?! :)

Lane and Katie Eyre said...

I'm glad you found my page melanie! I had actually looked at yours a couple of times. Congratulations on the baby. He is adorable. I'm glad we can keep in touch!

Josh and Megan said...

Mel! I need to call you! There is so much to talk about! Maddux is a babe! Couple of things...remember Amelia Van from Vegas? She is one of my best friends up here and just had a baby boy too! Also, what are you doing with work till the end of the year? I can't believe your labor! AAHHH! Anyways, I miss you and can't wait to see your little guy!

Josh and Megan said...

oh ya, one more thing, no I don't keep in touch with Jill...I have emailed her a couple of times, but that is about it! Never would have thought she would be a pageant girl!

Olivia said...

Yeah I'm so excited that you posted some pictures. And I'm so proud of you for going out to dinner with friends. I'm glad he was so good. I must say he is one very handsome little baby. I hope I get to meet him someday soon. I love all the pictures. Like Taryn said keep them coming! I just love looking at him. Hope your doing good. I love and miss you MEL!

Janae said...

He is so adorable! I miss him! I wish we could see him in his cute clothes everyday. I know you got some really cute things. Hope to see you soon...when Audrey comes!

Tristen said...

Hello Mel! I found your blog on Katie's blog! I am so excited to see pictures of your baby! He is so beautiful! How is the life of being a mom?! I am sure you are the very cutest ever! Love you and miss you! Tris!!
my blog

Anonymous said...

Cute pics! And...Greg...yes I must have typed in the wrong date...i got married in 2006! So, I changed it just for you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Melanie!

I have a christmas card that we sent to you guys but I put your old address. Can I get your new address? Thanks.
