Here is a picture of Melissa my sister in law and her three month old Lucy, Janae my sister and her 12 day old Audrey and then me with Maddux who is a little over a month old. What's crazy is that my sister Olivia is due on Monday with twin boys and my other sister Janene is due this summer. We will have 6 cousins all around the same age! Can you belive it?
We thought this picture was so funny. All the Dad's were watching sports and holding thier cute babies! Greg and Maddux, Matt my sister's husband and baby Audrey, and my brother Ryan with his baby Lucy!
I don't know if any of you remember the picture I took at Thanksgiving of my sister, me, and my cousin who were all pregnant...but here we are now all with our cute little babies. From the left is Brooklynn (Janae's oldest), me and Maddux, Janae and Audrey, and my cousin Andrea with her new baby Max.
I just had to post this extra picture of my Dad with Maddux. Isnt' it so cute that they both fell asleep together? Maddux loved being able to hang out with both Grandpa and Grandma this weekend. He is so lucky to have them in his life!