Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Maddux's Favorite Things

Here are a few of Maddux's favorite things...

The shower...he always wants to get in it. He doesn't love it when it's actually on though. His favorite is opening and closing the door.

Eating snacks...he has a little snack trap that he loves to carry around.

Playing in the fridge...if he see it open he books it as fast as he can. He loves to open the drawers, take food out, and especially take all the condiments out ...since they are right at his level.

Taking all the books out of his little library. He takes all books off the shelves until he's surrounded in his books and then sits in the middle of them and either looks at the pictures or pretends to read.

We just love this littlle guy!
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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mr. Walker

Maddux has officially stopped crawling. He loves to just walk everywhere these days. He is getting pretty fast and we think he might start running soon too. He is really starting to show his funny personality and is such a sweetheart. His favorite things right now are mimicking everything that his Dad does, chase and hide and seek, playing with Boca (our dog), dipping his food in things, pointing to the parts of his body (especially "eyes" which he can say), getting into the cupboards and the pantry to bring us food he thinks he wants, and he still looks forward to bath time every night. Here are a few recent pictures of him.

Our handsome little guy

I'm gonna get you Mommy

Sitting in his Elmo chair with Mr. Tiger

Wearing Daddy's clothes
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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Valentine's Day 2009

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This year I decided that I wanted to take a little pressure off Greg and plan Valentine's Day myself. So I got a group of my girlfriends together and we planned a day date to my parent's cabin in Zion's. It was a surprise for the husbands and so much fun! We made invitations, invited our husbands, met for breakfast on Saturday, drove to Zion's, and spent all of Saturday and Sunday morning there! It was really fun to take charge for a year and I think it meant a lot to the boys! :) We are hoping it inspires the boys to do something creative next year too!