Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bath Time!!

Maddux just recently got big enough to move from the hammock stage of his bathtub to actually sitting in it. It's crazy how fast these little guys grow.

He already liked the bath but now he gets so excited when he gets in the water that he starts kicking and splashing and make a huge mess of water all over the counters and the floor!

I have to be careful now when I bathe him to make sure I'm not wearing anything that can't get wet...notice the water spots on Greg's sweatshirt!

I am so gald he loves bath's my favorite part of our nightly routine too! Here he is after, all bundled up! He is too cute!

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Greg's New Toy

I think Greg has wanted a new motorcycle for as long as I have known him...I finally agreed that he could have long as he follows rules that I've set! :)

He has big plans for some rides he can take when the weather warms up. He has only been able to ride it a few times since he got it becuase it's still a little too cold!
Lets hope Maddux doesn't want to ride one like his Dad anytime soon!
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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Update Pictures

Here are a few new pictures of Maddux!

Tummy Time

One day when I went to get him out of bed he was smiling so huge! It was adorable so I grabbed the camera and got a few pictures!

One more of him when he woke up from his nap, so happy!

Ready for bed!

Maddux's Blessing

On Sunday, March 2nd we blessed Maddux Alan Harris

He was so handsome in his white tux.

On my side my parents, Deidre, Janae and Booroklynn, and my Brother Ryan and his family all came! We are so lucky to have so much support!

On Greg's side, his parents, his grandma and his Aunt Sue all came from California to share this special occasion with us!

The whole Almond Clan also came to support us! We're so lucky to have such great friends!

4 Generations!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Goodnight Book with Daddy!

Greg has started a new little routine of reading to Maddux at bed time...It is the cutest thing to watch. Maddux is so lucky to have such a good Dad.

Isn't it adorable that Maddux is really looking at the pages! I love my two handsome boys!